Showing posts with label Whats been going on. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whats been going on. Show all posts

Friday, December 8, 2006

Belly Ache

One of my flat mates made me some food last night and I gladly ate it. I asked her what was in it after I had finished eating it, this was a mistake. Meat. I haven't had meat since day dot and it seems my digestive system can handle it. I've got a belly ache today and I had one last night. It's problematic because I've got things to do today and now I can't do them. I'm letting people down and consequently myself.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Bit windy

I live in London. It rained in the morning, some lightning too. Didn't bother me. It was windy out, but I just got on with what I had to be doing. Found out that there was a tornado.

The BBCs probably got something to say about it.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Well, I thought I'd do a blog here. I had one on myspace but I think they deleted my page. I don't know. I can't log in anyway, which annoyed me actually. But you can't get caught up in it, just got to move on. Just gotta move on.